Monday, May 23, 2022

loving mental playces

places of play <—> play of places—mental and / or otherwise.
  • playing place: Suppose...
  • interplacing: We suppose...
  • interplaying: We consider...
  • playtiming: “Can you come out and play?”
  • playing time: In the beginning,…
  • interplayce: We loved that…
  • playgrounding: It is the case that...
  • interplaycing: Are you wholly in play here?
Free association—reverie, “daydreaming”—has integral value for creativity inasmuch as it serves the mental efficacy which is ordinarily necessary for adaptability, for gaining options to prefer, and for shaping purposes, all of which can be individuative through self-reflective learning: advancing flexibility, enhancing scale of value, and inspiring aspiration.

That efficacy released into novel play evinces options, values, directions, etc. which can be importantly novel: creative.

Free association is unduly constrained by need to track coherence and organization, as if one is afraid of later being lost. Always, possibilities for novel grouping—generating themes (themageny?)—can be brought into play.

Emergent theming of new phenomena, ad hoc grouping of new “things” in play, constellate significances into which news can be emplaced.

I like ‘enplace’ better than ‘emplace’, because ‘enplace’ is associable with ‘enframe’. I played with that briefly, some years ago: “Anticipatory enmembering precedes remembrance, and both play to enplace a present…. Remembrance as such is desired reiteration, enplaced by ongoing life, mirroring emergent futurity in recall” (end of “being time,” 2016), part of prospecting wholly flourishive life.

next—> “self-enhancive love of learning,” associated with
the “creative life” Area of The Project.